Programs & Services

Basic Education: Literacy, Elementary, Middle School
Basic Education in Spanish (literacy, primary and secondary certification). CREA is recognized by the Mexican Ministry of Education as a Plaza Comunitaria, an educational space for Spanish speakers to start, continue or strive to achieve literacy, primary (1-6 grade) and secondary level (7-9 grade) studies. The curriculum was designed by the Mexican National Institute for Adult Education (INEA). Basic education in Spanish enables students to strengthen their skills, better help their family and become independent and paves the way to successful English learning. Students learn primarily math, reading and writing, science, social studies, and relevant topics of everyday life.
Literacy, elementary and secondary classes
Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday (morning only, at the Department of Health)
Department of Health
158 East 115th Street | 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Settlement Health Clinic
212 East 106th Street, third Floor | 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

TASC / GED (US High School Equivalency)
High school equivalency classes prepare students for the US high school equivalency certificate, which opens the doors to higher education. Students take the test in an authorized center and receive an official diploma from the New York State Education Department. The student presents a test in an authorized Center and once they pass the test they receive a diploma from the State Department of USA.
The subjects are: Math, Reading and Writing, Science and Social Studies.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday (morning only, at the Department of Health)
Department of Health
158 East 115th Street | 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Settlement Health Clinic
212 East 106th Street, third Floor | 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language classes focus on basic and intermediate level learning. This course is designed for people who hold no knowledge of the English language or who know some words, can read a little, but are also seeking to gain confidence in speaking.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday (morning only)
Department of Health
158 East 115th Street | 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm (Wednesday and Thursday) | 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Saturday)
Settlement Health Clinic
212 East 106th Street, third Floor | 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Computer Classes
The Computer class is designed for people who have no access to or who have minimal knowledge of computers. The course begins with learning basic mouse and keyboard skills, and ends with working knowledge of Office Suite, internet and social media.
475 East 115th Street | 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Other Services
Workshops: Those are beneficial not only to the students of CREA, but to the community as well. The topics are varied and in accordance to the necessities or requests from the community . Some of the Workshops that we offer are: Migration, finances, depression, domestic violence, self-esteem, identity, leadership, empowerment, sexuality, how to help the environment, nutrition, how to manage a Business and other current topics.
Reading Club: From 10 to 15 people meet once every two weeks in a space of two and a half hours. In response to an assigned reading, participants share knowledge and points of view, provoking an ideological exchange. They can talk about current issues and can develop their vision with the help of others. In some meetings, participants work together to solve problems or know the problem more thoroughly. People exchange ideas, identify with each other and create belonging.
Department of Health
158 E 115th Street | 10:00am – 12:00 pm
Cultural Space: These are sessions crafted to promote creativity, spark curiosity and encourage dialogue and the exchange of ideas among participants. The cultural space is open to CREA´s students and the broader community. Some of the past topics include: Astronomy, ancient philosophy, the Roman Empire, Mexican journalism, contemporary art, among others.
Two Thursdays per month (virtual) | 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.