Welcome to The Resource Center for Adult Education
CREA came into being to address the educational needs of Spanish speaking adult immigrants. Initiated in East Harlem in 2013 with 50 students, CREA now serves over 250 students citywide providing educational opportunities to an immigrant community from a diversity of Central and South American countries. CREA’s primary goal is to provide members of this community with classes to improve their formal education in their native language and become proficient in English as their second language. CREA also prepares students to obtain a high school equivalency diploma as well as receive support to continue their post-secondary high school education. Equally important, CREA provides leadership development, individual counseling, referrals to social services, and peer-to-peer support.
Basic Education
CREA offers basic education in Spanish to adults. In partnership with the Mexican Ministry of Education (SEP) and the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA), CREA offers courses that allow participants to start, continue, or strive to achieve literacy, Elementary (Grades 1-6) and Secondary (Grades 7-9) level studies
English as a Second Language
This course is designed for people who hold no knowledge of the English language or who know some words, can read a little and seek to to gain confidence in speaking.
This course prepares students to present the TASC exam to obtain a high school equivalency diploma from the State Department. Upon course completion, the student presents a test at an authorized center.
CREA has changed my life. I came with the fervent desire that in two years I would finish my elementary school, but I did not expect to meet a leader like Lupita. She motivated me to not only study for my elementary school, but that I could go on to another level> she proposed that I study for the TASC exams. Today, after two years, I not only finished elementary but high school as well; thanks to the support of all my teachers, especially my teacher Nina and my teacher Alvaro, who always motivated us not to give up on our goal. Now I have achieved my High School equivalency diploma.